Created and designed by: skop - Peter Mühlfriedel, Tim Büsing, Gundula Markeffsky
Additional programming: Mike Kelly, Gabriel Mulzer additional sampling: Vistacolor
Gerichtstrasse 12-13, Aufgang 2
13347 Berlin, Germany
T/F +49.30.46 60 40 46/5
"I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives" was selected for the following international art and media festivals:
Berlinbeta Version 3.0, Berlin, Germany {29.8. - 5.9.01]
D-motion, Halle, Germany [6. - 7.12.01]
Talking Pixels, New York, USA [11. - 14.04.02]
und Berühmt, Berlin, Germany [25.05.02]
2002, Barcelona, Spain [13. - 15.06.02]
Stralsund, Germany [August.02]
FILE 2002,
São Paulo, Brazil [8. - 22.08.02]
Villette Numérique, Paris, France [24. - 29.9.02|
IMPAKT, Utrecht, The Netherlands [29.10. - 3.11.02]
& ZKM \\ international \ media \ art \ award Karlsruhe,
Germany [9.11.02]
Re-Animate, Rotterdam, The Netherlands [27. - 29.11.02]
Filmwinter, Stuttgart, Germany [14. - 19.1.03]
Streaming Wor(l)ds, Melbourne, Australia [19. - 24.5.03]
here you can watch a slideshow movie (QT 5,7 MB) of the various festival performances.
Write us, if you want to see more and we ll send you a CD-ROM.
"The Kick is the rhythm that users can create on the fly. Really grand!"
Holger Czukay, founder of legendary Krautrock-band CAN
"This is like deconstructing cinema."
Chris Hales, Multimedia Artist and Author of "Jinxed"
and "The Twelve Loveliest Things I Know"
This remixer
was originally commissioned for the online art-exhibition
of Visions - Hongkong -Berlin" in which Berlin
Artists were asked to work with inspirations from HongKong
culture. Out of fascination for the subject and the new
genre of cinematic remixing on the web, we developed it
much further.
--> Soon, we will add a database in which users can store
their results and share it with others, thereby giving Bruce
a small virtual home.
If you mail
us, we will keep you posted about all further additions
to this remixer. |
Download our
short summary text: skop_brucelee_remixer.pdf [3,2 MB wait for the loading to finish] |