skop has a long tradition of highly interactive web design as well as corporate work in web and print. Check them out and don`t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments, we love to hear about your experiences. |
Martial Arts hero Jet Li stars in the action-packed movie THE ONE. Senator Film which is distributing the movie in Germany has asked skop to develop an appealing website with a viral quality. Our solution was to make the site behave like a machine, and to pay special attention to sound design. Again we feature a special remixer of scenes and sounds from the movie, this time you can save and send your mixing-results.
Winner of "Best Interactivity" at the Macromedia Flashfilmnight 2002 in Munich: "Kanzler Dir Einen!" The general election of 2002 in Germany provides the background for the satirical online game "Kanzler Dir Einen!" which we developed for the major newspaper "Berliner Zeitung". "Kanzler Dir Einen!" allows you to mix and jumble political messages spoken by famous imitator Elmar Brandt. Make fun of the major candidates Gerhard Schröder and Edmund Stoiber, pump up their "Ähh"-factor and grace them with silly accessoires. Sending function is disabled.
Make sure you visit ELECTRICA, our award-winning sound environment inspired by theearly period of electrical discoveries and the Mad-Scientist movies from the 40ies and 50ies. Winner of Mecon Innovation Award, selected for SONAR, Ars Electronica, ZKM Net Condition and Transmediale Berlin. To access the site you will need to use browsers of the 4 to 5 generation and install the Beatnik-plugin. All of this can be found HERE on our regular site:
The principle
of remixing video and audiofiles was used by skop for German
HipHopartist DasBo.
Das Bo had just landed a hit in the summer of 2000 with
"Türlich, Türlich", a straightforward-party
track which featured quiet a bit of naked skin in the video
rotating on MTV and VIVA. We used the inherent irony and
restructured the song so that users could fix their own
version of the hit. Winner of the Berlinbeta Flash-Award.
BO |
When movieproduction
company "Teamworx" approached skop for promotion
of their upcoming teenage-romance "Julietta",
the idea of a remixer got reconfigured for the cinematic
genre. This Cinema-Jockey let users develop more of an emotional
approach to the movie and invites them to participate and
spread the mixes through the internet
The mobile
marketing firm YOC ("Your Opinion Counts") has
attracted a large community of mobile users via spectacular
live events, mediapartnerships and productsampling-competetions.
When they needed a clean and solid business website to display
their services to potential clients, they turned to skop.
They ordered that they would content-manage the site themselves,
so skop fitted them with a customized solution.
The Expo2000-project
"Zement zwischen zwei Jahrtausenden" is a promotion
for the Industrial Museum Rüdersdorf and tells of the
tradition of industrial building in Berlin. Readymix, the
client, needed a crisp and well designed educational site
to complement their effort for the World Expo 2000
ZEMENT2000 |